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How many children do you have under the age of 18?

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What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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How likely are you to do each of the following in the next 18 months?

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In the past 6 months, which of the following hobies have you participated in?

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What type of sponsors do you think would be a good fit for Voices of Our Youth?

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Which of the following automobile brands do you currently own/lease?

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What destinations are you likely to travel to within the next 18 months?

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In the past 12 months, which of the following magazine/publications have you purchased?

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If a company sponsors Voices of Our Youth, are you more likely to consider their product/service for future purchases (assuming price and quality are the same)?

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What is one thing you wish Voices of Our Youth had more of?

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What is one thing that stands out as a positive at Voices of Our Youth?

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Have you been to a Voices of Our Youth event or distribution before?

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